.. _install: ========== Installing ========== .. _install_windows: Installing in Windows --------------------- Anaconda Python environment *************************** Currently, the easiest way to install pixStem is using the Anaconda python environment `Anaconda environment `_, Install HyperSpy, then pixStem via the ``Anaconda prompt`` (Start menu - Anaconda3), this will open a command line prompt. In this prompt run: .. code-block:: bash $ conda install pixstem hyperspy-gui-traitsui hyperspy-gui-ipywidgets -c conda-forge If everything installs correctly, continue to :ref:`starting pixStem in Windows `. If you got some kind of error, please report it as a New issue on the `pixStem GitLab `_. WinPython HyperSpy installer **************************** Alternatively, the WinPython HyperSpy bundle can be used. Firstly download and install the `WinPython HyperSpy bundle `_: After installing the bundle, there should be a folder in the start menu called "HyperSpy Bundle", and this folder should contain the "WinPython prompt". Start the "WinPython prompt". This will open a terminal window called "WinPython prompt", in this window type and run: .. code-block:: bash pip install pixstem If everything installs correctly, continue to :ref:`starting pixStem in Windows `. If you got some kind of error, please report it as a New issue on the `pixStem GitLab `_. Installing in MacOS ------------------- Install the Anaconda python environment: `Anaconda environment `_, and through the ``Anaconda prompt`` install HyperSpy and pixStem: .. code-block:: bash $ conda install pixstem hyperspy-gui-traitsui hyperspy-gui-ipywidgets -c conda-forge If everything installs correctly, continue to :ref:`starting pixStem in MacOS `. If you got some kind of error, please report it as a New issue on the `pixStem GitLab `_. Installing in Linux ------------------- The recommended way to install pixStem is using PIP, which is a package manager for python. It is recommended to first install the precompiled dependencies using the system package manager. `HyperSpy `_ is also included as pixStem relies heavily on the modelling and visualization functionality in HyperSpy. Ubuntu 18.04 ************ .. code-block:: bash $ sudo apt-get install ipython3 python3-pip python3-numpy python3-scipy python3-matplotlib python3-sklearn python3-skimage python3-h5py python3-dask python3-traits python3-tqdm python3-pint python3-dask python3-pyqt5 python3-lxml python3-sympy python3-sparse python3-statsmodels python3-numexpr python3-ipykernel python3-jupyter-client python3-requests python3-dill python3-natsort $ pip3 install --user pixstem If everything installs directly, continue to :ref:`starting pixStem in Linux `. If you got some kind of error, please report it as a New issue on the `pixStem GitLab `_. Development version ------------------- Grab the development version using the version control system git: .. code-block:: bash $ git clone https://gitlab.com/pixstem/pixstem.git Then install it using pip: .. code-block:: bash $ cd pixstem $ pip3 install -e .