Source code for pixstem.io_tools

import h5py
import logging
import numpy as np
import dask.array as da
from hyperspy.io_plugins import emd
from import load_with_reader
from import load
from pixstem.pixelated_stem_class import (
        PixelatedSTEM, DPCBaseSignal, DPCSignal1D, DPCSignal2D,

def _get_dtype_from_header_string(header_string):
    header_split_list = header_string.split(",")
    dtype_string = header_split_list[6]
    if dtype_string == 'U08':
        dtype = ">u1"
    elif dtype_string == 'U16':
        dtype = ">u2"
    elif dtype_string == 'U32':
        dtype = ">u4"
        print("dtype {0} not recognized, trying unsigned 16 bit".format(
        dtype = ">u2"
    return dtype

def _get_detector_pixel_size(header_string):
    header_split_list = header_string.split(",")
    det_x_string = header_split_list[4]
    det_y_string = header_split_list[5]
        det_x = int(det_x_string)
        det_y = int(det_y_string)
    except NameError:
                "detector size strings {0} and {1} not recognized, "
                "trying 256 x 256".format(det_x_string, det_y_string))
        det_x, det_y = 256, 256
    if det_x == 256:
        det_x_value = det_x
    elif det_x == 512:
        det_x_value = det_x
        print("detector x size {0} not recognized, trying 256".format(det_x))
        det_x_value = 256
    if det_y == 256:
        det_y_value = det_y
    elif det_y == 512:
        det_y_value = det_y
        print("detector y size {0} not recognized, trying 256".format(det_y))
        det_y_value = 256
    return(det_x_value, det_y_value)

[docs]def load_binary_merlin_signal( filename, probe_x=None, probe_y=None, chunks=(32, 32, 32, 32), flyback_pixels=1, datatype=None, lazy_result=True): """Temporary function for loading Merlin binary data. Parameters ---------- filename : string probe_x, probe_y : int chunks : tuple Default (32, 32, 32, 32) flyback_pixels : int datatype : string 6 bit: ">u1". 12 bit: ">u2". 24 bit: ">u4". lazy_result : bool This function will be replaced at some point, so do not rely on it for other functions! """ if (probe_x is None) and (probe_y is None): flyback_pixels = 0 lazy_result = False if probe_x is None: probe_x = 1 if probe_y is None: probe_y = 1 f = open(filename, 'rb') header_string = f.close() if datatype is None: datatype = _get_dtype_from_header_string(header_string) det_x, det_y = _get_detector_pixel_size(header_string) value_between_frames = 192 frametype = np.dtype( [ ('head', np.uint8, value_between_frames*2), ('data', datatype, (det_x, det_y))]) data_with_HF = np.memmap( filename, frametype, mode='r', shape=(probe_y, probe_x + flyback_pixels)) if flyback_pixels != 0: data_with_HF = data_with_HF[:, 0:-flyback_pixels] data_array = data_with_HF['data'] dask_array = da.from_array(data_array, chunks=chunks) dask_array = dask_array.squeeze() if lazy_result: s = LazyPixelatedSTEM(dask_array) else: s = PixelatedSTEM(dask_array.compute()) return s
def _fpd_checker(filename, attr_substring='fpd_version'): if h5py.is_hdf5(filename): hdf5_file = h5py.File(filename, mode='r') for attr in hdf5_file.attrs: if attr_substring in attr: return(True) return(False) def _hspy_checker(filename, attr_substring='fpd_version'): if h5py.is_hdf5(filename): hdf5_file = h5py.File(filename, mode='r') for attr in hdf5_file.attrs: if 'file_format' in attr: if hdf5_file.attrs['file_format'] == 'HyperSpy': return(True) return(False) def _load_fpd_sum_im(filename): s = load_with_reader( filename, reader=emd, dataset_name="/fpd_expt/fpd_sum_im") if len(s.axes_manager.shape) == 3: s = s.isig[0, :, :] return s def _load_fpd_sum_dif(filename): s = load_with_reader( filename, reader=emd, dataset_name="/fpd_expt/fpd_sum_dif") if len(s.axes_manager.shape) == 3: s = s.isig[:, :, 0] return s def _load_fpd_emd_file(filename, lazy=False): s = load_with_reader( filename, reader=emd, lazy=lazy, dataset_name="/fpd_expt/fpd_data") if len(s.axes_manager.shape) == 5: s = s.isig[:, :, 0, :, :] s = s.transpose(signal_axes=(0, 1)) s._lazy = lazy s_new = signal_to_pixelated_stem(s) return(s_new) def _load_other_file(filename, lazy=False): s = load(filename, lazy=lazy) s_new = signal_to_pixelated_stem(s) return s_new def _copy_axes_ps_to_dpc(s_ps, s_dpc): if s_ps.axes_manager.navigation_dimension > 2: raise ValueError( "s_ps can not have more than 2 navigation dimensions, " "not {0}".format(s_ps.axes_manager.navigation_dimension)) if s_ps.axes_manager.navigation_shape != s_dpc.axes_manager.signal_shape: raise ValueError( "s_ps navigation shape {0}, must be the same " "as s_dpc signal shape {1}".format( s_ps.axes_manager.navigation_shape, s_dpc.axes_manager.signal_shape)) ps_a_list = s_ps.axes_manager.navigation_axes dp_a_list = s_dpc.axes_manager.signal_axes for ps_a, dp_a in zip(ps_a_list, dp_a_list): dp_a.offset = ps_a.offset dp_a.scale = ps_a.scale dp_a.units = ps_a.units =
[docs]def signal_to_pixelated_stem(s): """Make a PixelatedSTEM object from a HyperSpy signal. This will retain both the axes information and the metadata. If the signal is lazy, the function will return LazyPixelatedSTEM. Parameters ---------- s : HyperSpy signal Should work for any HyperSpy signal. Returns ------- pixelated_stem_signal : PixelatedSTEM or LazyPixelatedSTEM object Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> import hyperspy.api as hs >>> s = hs.signals.Signal2D(np.random.random((8, 11, 21, 13))) >>> s.metadata.General.title = "test dataset" >>> s <Signal2D, title: test dataset, dimensions: (11, 8|13, 21)> >>> from pixstem.io_tools import signal_to_pixelated_stem >>> s_new = signal_to_pixelated_stem(s) >>> s_new <PixelatedSTEM, title: test dataset, dimensions: (11, 8|13, 21)> """ # Sorting axes as a function of its index axes_list = [x for _, x in sorted(s.axes_manager.as_dictionary().items())] metadata = s.metadata.as_dictionary() if s._lazy: s_new = LazyPixelatedSTEM(, axes=axes_list, metadata=metadata) else: s_new = PixelatedSTEM(, axes=axes_list, metadata=metadata) return s_new
[docs]def load_ps_signal( filename, lazy=False, chunk_size=None, navigation_signal=None): """ Parameters ---------- filename : string lazy : bool, default False chunk_size : tuple, optional Used if Lazy is True. Sets the chunk size of the signal. If it is not specified, the file chunking will be used. Higher number will potentially make the calculations be faster, but use more memory. navigation_signal : Signal2D """ if _fpd_checker(filename, attr_substring='fpd_version'): s = _load_fpd_emd_file(filename, lazy=lazy) elif _hspy_checker(filename, attr_substring='HyperSpy'): s = _load_other_file(filename, lazy=lazy) else: # Attempt to load non-fpd and non-HyperSpy signal s = _load_other_file(filename, lazy=lazy) if navigation_signal is None: try: s_nav = _load_fpd_sum_im(filename) s.navigation_signal = s_nav except IOError: logging.debug("Nav signal not found in {0}".format(filename)) s.navigation_signal = None except ValueError: logging.debug("Nav signal in {0}: wrong shape".format(filename)) s.navigation_signal = None else: nav_im_shape = navigation_signal.axes_manager.signal_shape nav_ax_shape = s.axes_manager.navigation_shape if nav_im_shape == nav_ax_shape: s.navigation_signal = navigation_signal else: raise ValueError( "navigation_signal does not have the same shape ({0}) as " "the signal's navigation shape ({1})".format( nav_im_shape, nav_ax_shape)) if lazy: if chunk_size is not None: = return s
[docs]def load_dpc_signal(filename): """Load a differential phase contrast style signal. This function can both files saved directly using HyperSpy, and saved using this library. The only requirement is that the signal has one navigation dimension, with this one dimension having a size of two. The first navigation index is the x-shift, while the second is the y-shift. The signal dimension contains the spatial dimension(s), i.e. the probe positions. The return signal depends on the dimensions of the input file: - If two signal dimensions: DPCSignal2D - If one signal dimension: DPCSignal1D - If zero signal dimension: DPCBaseSignal Parameters ---------- filename : string Returns ------- dpc_signal : DPCBaseSignal, DPCSignal1D, DPCSignal2D The type of return signal depends on the signal dimensions of the input file. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> s = ps.DPCSignal2D(np.random.random((2, 90, 50))) >>>"test_dpc_signal2d.hspy", overwrite=True) >>> s_dpc = ps.load_dpc_signal("test_dpc_signal2d.hspy") >>> s_dpc <DPCSignal2D, title: , dimensions: (2|50, 90)> >>> s_dpc.plot() Saving a HyperSpy signal >>> import hyperspy.api as hs >>> s = hs.signals.Signal1D(np.random.random((2, 10))) >>>"test_dpc_signal1d.hspy", overwrite=True) >>> s_dpc_1d = ps.load_dpc_signal("test_dpc_signal1d.hspy") >>> s_dpc_1d <DPCSignal1D, title: , dimensions: (2|10)> """ s = load(filename) if s.axes_manager.navigation_shape != (2,): raise Exception( "DPC signal needs to have 1 navigation " "dimension with a size of 2.") if s.axes_manager.signal_dimension == 0: s_out = DPCBaseSignal(s).T elif s.axes_manager.signal_dimension == 1: s_out = DPCSignal1D(s) elif s.axes_manager.signal_dimension == 2: s_out = DPCSignal2D(s) else: raise NotImplementedError( "DPC signals only support 0, 1 and 2 signal dimensions") s_out.metadata = s.metadata.deepcopy() s_out.axes_manager = s.axes_manager.deepcopy() return s_out